
Contributions are always welcome and appreciated. You can contribute with pull requests, bug reports, features requests, and feedback.

Development installation

  • Fork PyPtax to your GitHub account

  • Clone your fork and create a branch for the code you want to add

  • Create a new virtualenv and install the package in development mode

$ git clone
$ cd pyptax
$ git checkout -b your_contribution_branch
$ python -m venv .venv
$ source .venv/bin/activate
(.venv) $ python -m pip install -U pip setuptools
(.venv) $ pip install -U -e .[dev]


PyPtax uses tox for testing and development. With tox installed, just execute:

$ tox

It’ll run the tests in all supported Python versions and pre-commit checks.

You can run against a specific available version, by executing:

$ tox -e py38